Change Log for m3w
News for Version 3.3
As a major change, the volume compression dialog has now sliders to set the different parameters
and the dialog window can be used concurrently with the main window. This allows interactive
changes to the parameters. Simplifying good settings for this most complex part of m3w.
There were two bugs removed from the auto gain code, which prevented
changes of the settings to take effect without restarting the encoding. Further, the checkbox for auto gain
will now be disabled if the soundcard does not support a mixing device.
Four new parameters were added for use in configuration files or commandlines to control the
switching between linear and logarithmic scales, the switching between input and output volume of the volume meter,
as well as setting the repeat check box in the input file section, and to start with a detached resizable
volume meter. Now, I hope, all settings that can be made in the GUI can be made persistent by saving them
to a configuration file.
News for Version 3.2
A new resizable volume meter was added to help controll live audio input.
The help file got an overhaul; the default bitrate is now 64kBit,
the prevoius 32kBit seemed outdated.
News for Version 3.1
A comma was added as a thousends-separator to make the large numbers on the
display mor readable.The volume meter is now
switchable between linear and logarithmic display.
News for Version 3.0
The most significant change is, thanks to Philip Van Baren, the addition
of an all digital volume compressor. As a consequence of his work
also some internal details have been improved. Johan Henning contributed
a neat way to start the standard Windows volume controlls and improvements
for the automatic generation of file names..
News for Version 2.3
m3w now supports a UDP streaming mode and can handle input with 48kHz
sample frequency.
News for Version 2.2
This is mostly a bug-fix version. In addition, the handling of output files
was slightly improved. You can now just press the record button, and m3w will
do what you expect it to do.
News for Version 2.1
WARNING: The file setup.exe containing version 2.1
that was posted here between Monday, May 8, 2006, 17:30 GMT
and Thursday, May 11, 2006, 15:25 GMT
contained a serious memory leak. The version that is posted here now
does not contain this bug.
The buffer management has been rewritten.
A autoname feature was added, to generate automatic filenames
from date and time. A bug in the options code was fixed, which
caused trouble in the japanese version. The output file is now
written in shared read mode so that you can read and play the output file
while it is still written.
News for Version 2.0 JA
A Japanese version of m3w was provided by
Thanks a lot. Unfortunately, I do not know any Japanese and I am unable to
fully appreciate the translation.
News for Version 2.0 FR
A Translation of m3w to French was provided by
Pierre-Emmanuel Muller.
Here are the differences:
- Texts in m3w are translated into French.
- An "Uninstall" link was added in the M3W program folder in the startup menu.
- HTTP is now the default authentification process
as it is the one used by Icecast2.
- If you wonder about Pierre-Emmanuel Muller, who did
the translation, you find hints in the licence file and in the "About" box.
News for Version 2.0
- Many small improvements.
- Options to configure the startup of m3w, like automatic sending.
- 3 types of login: xaudio, http and icy make it compatible with the new icecast 2.
- Automatic gain controll
- Automatic reconnect to the server after connection problems.
- Rewritten broadcast code.
News for Version 1.7
- The RECORD button was a bit dangerous: You press it and your outputfile is
truncated to zero (removing all these precious bits from your harddisk), unless
of course the append box was checked. Now, the appened box is checked by default
and you will get a warning message with the option to press OK, if you really
want to ..., or CANCEL otherwise.
- Your can store the setting of your append box in the configuration file.
- Storing your average-, variable-, constant-bitrate configuration, did not
work with 1.6. Now there is a new option: --bitmode (short -M), that will do it.
The options cbr, abr and pre do no longer exist (sorry).
News for Version 1.6
- The list of command line and configuration file options was completed.
Now you can set any internal parameter using a command line switch or a
configuration file.
- The help file was updated.
- Installing m3w, will create a file association: The program m3w will be
associated with files having the extension m3w, assuming these are configuration
files. If such a file is opend using the context menu or just by double clicking
on it, m3w ist started, the configuration file is passed to it as a command
line argument, causing m3w to load this configuration. That is: You can start
m3w in your favorite configuration just by doubleclicking on the configuration
- Not really new: You can drop a configuration file on m3w using Drag and
Drop, and this will cause m3w to read the configuration file.
News for Version 1.5
- The Peak level meter for the sound input got a new clipping indicator.
- The help file was not found the first time help was invoked. Now
WinHelp gets a little hint where to look for.
- The Help file got updated. (not too many people seem to read it, but
believe me, its quite good).
News for Version 1.4
- Major Bug fixed in Buffer allocation code for output buffers.
- Default size of output buffers increased to 20s due to tests
with several providers of dial-up connections.
News for Version 1.3
- Some bugs fixed concerning the encoder parameters
in Average Bitrate Mode and with Presets.
News for Version 1.2
- can write ID3 version 1.1 tags.
- more robust defaults (minimum and maximum bitrate).
- comes with Lame version 3.91 encoding library
Maintained by Martin Ruckert
Address |
Prof. Dr. Martin Ruckert
Hochschule München
Fakultät für Informatik und Mathematik
Lothstrasse 64
80335 München