Darwin Streaming Server and m3w HOWTO


The open source streaming server by Apple Computers, called Darwin Streaming Server (DSS) , is an alternative to icecast (or shoutcast) for streaming live audio data to the www. M3w can be used as a source client for DSS. How to set up things is (or will be described below).

The first contributions to this HOWTO are by Eric. He contributed the following screen shots and a selection from his m3w configuration file. Thanks!

I hope I can collect further contributions, even may be snippets of text on this page. If you have anything you think would be usefull on this page, please send it to me by email.


Screenshots and Configuration File by Eric

This is part of the configfile, and of course you can set all these parameters interactively in the Options Broadcast form.

#m3w configfile

#the server where to send the request

#the port where to send the request
port 8000

#the mountpoint
mountpoint live

#the login type 1=icy_login
logintype 1

#the user name
user Idonotcare

#the password
password Iwon'ttellyou
You can check your streamingserver.xml file for the enty mp3_streaming_enabled, which should be set to true, and the entry mp3_broadcast_password, which tells you the password to use. The value should of course be your true ip address.