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The first item in the Broadcast group is the mount point, as given to the server. This and many more options concerning the connection to the server can be set in the broadcast dialog that can be reached through the Options Menu.

The second line shows the true sending bitrate. It is computed by taking the number of bytes send so far, as given in the line below, multiplying it by 8 to obtain the number of bits, and dividing by the number of seconds since the broadcast has started sending the first data byte. This actual bitrate is always below the maximum capacity of your internet connection, since the communication overhead of sending IP headers and other information is not counted here. It is the pure data rate. If the encoder delivers more byte than can be sent, the data is buffered.

The buffer status is shown in the next progress bar. In a normal situation, the buffer should be empty, that is all data can be send as soon as it is encoded. If for some special reason, e.g. you open up a browser window, and need some bandwidth to transfer the content of a web page, or your provider decides to cater momentarily for some other customer, data can not be send immediately, it fills the buffer and the progress bar grows. In case the sending capacity of your connection is greater than the bitrate of your sound stream, the buffer will shrink again. This is still correct behavior. If, however, your buffer continues to grow, you should read from the line above the true sending bitrate and re-adjust the encoder to encode at a bitrate slightly less then the maximum bitrate you can achieve.

At the bottom, there are two buttons: A Send button and a Stop button.